This is our new Content Hub

Dear friends, 

We have news for you! After a long time of not publishing anythiang but continuously discussing the intersections of Coding and Systems, we finally released a series of conversations we had in the last months and years on our new website:

Each conversation has a comment section, which we hope you will use to leave your comments, doubts, suggestions, questions, or whatever you think would advance our discussions. You may ask yourself why mentioning the comment section in our first newsletter after a long silence. It is such a mundane feature of any blog. 

To us, the comment section is much more than a standard setting. It is an opportunity to drive social interaction away from social media. We strongly believe that it is long overdue to take a stand against social media and its adverse effects on individuals and societies and bring back spaces that do not steal your data and attention, which do not make you feel you are missing out or pressure you to be more productive. We want to create a space of collective sense-making, free of any third party trying to make money from us. 

We will still post on Instagram, but only to drive people towards the website. We will still send newsletters through Patreon, but only to inform you when there is new content to discuss. Please do not use social media or Patreon to converse with us. Only use the comment function on our website. Let’s boycott extractive social media as much as we can.

Looking forward to read from you,

Martin and Tim

P.s.: If our anti-social media position sounds strange to you, we recommend listening to Tristan Harris, Co-Founder of Center for Humane Technology, testifying for the US Senate on “Optimizing for Engagement: Understanding the Use of Persuasive Technology on Internet Platforms.

Published on November 8, 2024

This conversation is an invitation for collective sense-making. Did it spark any ideas or doubts? Do you have additional sources we should look into? Use the comment section to become part of the conversation.

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